Mortgage Update: December 1, 2022
Buying power has improved an additional 12%!
What does that mean?
Let’s say you were qualified for a $300,000 loan amount… now because of this buying power improvement, you would qualify for a $340,000 loan amount. That doesn’t mean we want you to max out, we want you to be comfortable with your loan size and payment. But great news continues in the mortgage industry, and for home buyers and sellers.
Plus, coming soon for FIRST-TIME BUYERS!
There will be improved and increased buying power for first-time buyers. A first-time buyer is somebody who hasn’t held title in the last 3 years. That additional buying power is coming soon, potentially in the upcoming week. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as those details develop.
As always, our team is here for you. Please reach out with any questions or needs!